
My Husband Has quit Smoking And Drinking Alcohol

DaYang's mom, who wrote I Am Already FoundThe Key To Better Health shows us her husband's quitting smoking and drinking this time:

My husband ShangWei Ruan had smoked for 20 years. One day, during the treatment of DuoSuccess hospital for a year or so, he said suddenly that he would never smoke. Since then he haven’t smoke anymore. Even if there was a cigarette in his pocket, he would not like to light it up. For me, quit smoking didn’t seem difficult or painful to him and for now he have quit smoking over two years. 

One day in this year, he told me that he ended up drinking alcohol at banquet lately and he desired to quit drinking. I didn’t notice what he said that time, afterwards, I rejoiced to know that he had quit drinking as he told me. Prior to this, I tried very hard to persuade him to quit smoking but to no purpose. I never dreamed that he quit drinking and smoking. His colleagues envy him, but also are jealous of him, so they despise him. They said he is not ordinary and had admiration for the fact that he meant what he said. As a matter of fact, the DuoSuccess’s therapy is quite effective for getting rid of one’s addiction to smoking or drinking.

Author: ZhaoHui Fan
Translator:Yan Wang